Gamma Reference Standard Set *

Gamma Reference Standard Set * [ TYPE : GS 290 ]

Technical Data

Gamma Reference Standard Set GS290 consists of a set of FIVE/SIX uncalibrated Gamma reference sources evaporated and sealed on 25mm dia x 5mm plastic disc covering ranging from 100KeV upto 1.33MeV energies with activity in the range of 2 to 5 micro curie. A reference chart for this is given below. These radioactive sources offered are from BRIT. This serves as an uncalibrated (for activity) reference set for use with GR 611M & 611 & Gamma ray spectroscopy system with MCA. This set can be used for energy calibration purpose. The accuracy of these sources is in the range of +/-10%. All these disc sources are enclosed in a neatly polished wooden box.

Isotope Energy MeV Nominal Activity Half Life
Co-57 0.123 2-5 µci 273 Days
Ba-133 0.36 (Main) 2-5 µci 7.5 Years
Na-22 0.511; 1.280 2-5 µci 2.6 Years
Cs-137 0.662) 2-5 µci 30 Years
Co-60 1.17; 1.33 2-5 µci 5.3 Years