Accessories for Geiger counting system * -
Technical Data

GM 125 is a Halogen Quenched, wide End Window GM Detector, supplied by NUCLEONIX. It is highly recommended for planchet / swipe sample counting of Beta samples by health Physics labs. Its operating voltage is typically 500V. It has good plateau length and plateau slope.
It is enclosed in a PVC cylindrical enclosure for protection. An MHV socket provided on top side of the PVC enclosure facilitates one to connect to detector socket on rear panel of the counting system.
Application : | Suitable for Alpha, Beta & Gamma Counting. |
Operating Voltage : | Range : (450 – 600V). |
Tube Dimensions : | Max. over all length 2.125 inches. |
Max. Diameter : | 0.59 inches |
Gas filled : | Ne + Hal. |
End Window : | mica 2.0 mg/cm sq. density. |
Gamma Sensitivity : | 18 cps / mR/hr. |
(b) Pancake detector with stand
Pancake detector of St. Gobain or LND, USA make will be supplied with a suitable detector stand, fabricated in black PCV which is precisely milled.
Pancake G.M. Effective dia: | 1.75” |
Window thickness: | 2mg/sqcm. |
Efficiency with calibrated reference source Sr90 / Y-90 (Procured from Eckert & Ziegler Nuclitec GmbH, GERMANY) at 1cm from window : | 40% (Total efficiency for Sr-90+Y-90). |
Efficiency with (sr-90) at 1cm from window : | 20%. |
Efficiency with (Sr-90+Y-90) at 2cm from window : | 17%. |
Efficiency with(Sr-90) at 2cm from window : | 8%. |
(c) Stand for G.M. Detector [Type: SG200]
Stand for G.M. tube type SG 200 has been designed to hold end window G.M. tubes. This stand can be housed inside the lead shielding if required. It has both sample and absorber trays. The position of these trays can be adjusted from the end window of the detector. The stand made up of acrylic sheet is precisely milled for sliding-in of sample and absorber trays.
Sample tray is designed to hold planchets or disc type radioactive standard source (Beta or Gamma).
This stand is an essential accessory for connecting end window G.M. tube to any of the G.M. counting systems manufactured by NUCLEONIX. For universities and colleges sliding bench type SB205 is recommended.
(d) Stand for Pan cake detector
Stand for Pancake detector, is fabricated using precisely milled Black PVC parts. The detector holder is made of Aluminium with Cylindrical depression, to hold the detector. It is additionally provided with sample & absorber trays. Sample tray facilitates one to place 25mm dia planchets / filter paper of 50mm disk for sample counting.
(e) SOURCE KIT – 1 TYPE SK 210
Source Kit-1 type SK 210 offered by NUCLEONIX contains one each of Beta and Gamma sources. These are low active disc sources of the order of 2 to 10 micro curie for Gamma & Beta. Gamma source disc is evaporated and sealed on 25mm dia X 5mm thick plastic disc. Whereas Beta source disc is evaporated & sealed on 25mm X 10mm thick plastic disc and covered with 10mg/ aluminised mylar film. This source kit is an ideal choice along with G.M. counting system for educational institutions & Research labs. Source kit containing the disc sources is offered in an acrylic box of dimensions 86mm X 46mm X 25mm (approx).
(g) Lead castle with door for G.M detector TYPE LS- 240
This consists of 40mm lead shielding cylindrical rings assembly with required number off lead assembly parts. There is a hinged door in the bottom ring through which sample can be loaded in to the G.M stand / Pancake stand sample tray.
A 1mm aluminum lining is provided on the inside surface of the lead shielding. When it is dispatched from here usually it is packed in wooden boxes. So, on unpacking these parts could be assembled as shown in the enclosed drawing.